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Cara Print 1 Kertas Menjadi 4 Bagian

Cara Print 1 Kertas Menjadi 4 Bagian

Sebenarnya ada cara yang cukup mudah untuk dilakukan agar tabel yang mencakup dua halaman tersebut bisa masuk menjadi satu halaman saja. Dengan demikian akan mempermudah pembacaan data dan file.Untuk itu tetaplah di halaman ini agar dapat mengetahui trik mengatur halaman di excel dari dua halaman menjadi satu halaman.

Tiga Hal Penting dalam Final Artwork1. BleedBleed adalah bagian area desain di luar garis potong yang berfungsi untuk mengantisipasi rendahnya tingkat akurasi pada saat hasil cetak dipotong/disisir. Untuk materi Below the Line (BTL) seperti brosur, poster, buku, flagchain dan sebagainya umumnya menggunakan bleed dengan toleransi minimal 3 – 5 mm.

Cara Print 1 Kertas Menjadi 4 Bagian

Bleed ini berguna untuk meminimalisir agar pada saat pemotongan kertas semua bagian desain secara utuh tidak berkurang dan sesuai dengan ukuran yang sebenarnya. Contoh: bila ukuran desain adalah A4 210 mm X 297 mm, maka ditambah bleed minimal 3-5 mm (standar eropa) pada setiap sisinya, jadi ukuran FA termasuk bleed adalah 216 X 303 mm. Ukuran bidang desain tetap 210 X 297 mm.

Untuk materi Above The Line (ATL) seperti majalah atau tabloid yang menggunakan ukuran penuh (100%) tanpa ada pemisah antara garis potong dengan halaman lay out maka tetap di butuhkan bleed. Tanpa bleed, hasil cetak pasca finishing potong akan terlihat kurang rapi dengan bergesernya titik poto ng ke luar atau ke dalam desain akhir. Jika titik potong meleset keluar, maka akan terlihat area putih kertas, jika meleset ke dalam, maka area desain yang seharusnya tidak terpotong akan ikut terpotong.2. Crop MarksTanda potong atau crop marks sangat membantu pada saat finishing potong. Hampir semua program aplikasi grafis telah memasang fasilitas pembuatan crop marks secara automatis. Namun apabli dilakukan dengan manula gunakanlah warna register untuk tanda ini C: 100 M: 100 Y: 100 K: 100, jika desain menggunakan dua elemen warna saja, maka gunakanlah 2 elemen tersebut, misalkan yang digunakan adalah warna magenta dan yellow, maka gunakanlah warna M: 100 dan Y: 100. Panjang garis cukup 3-6 mm dengan hairline.3.

Konvert FontSetelah desain dinyatakan final, convert/flaten lah semua font ke dalam format curve, hal ini untuk mengantisipasi missing atau incorect font ketika file dibuka di percetakan. Sebelum menconvert ada baiknya membackup dokumen tersebut, fungsinya ketika suatu saat ada perubahan masih ada file yang belum diconvert. Atau jika tidak ingin font tersebut diconvert, sertakan selalu font-font tersebut dalam satu folder tersendiri ketika file desain tersebut dikirim ke percetakan.Sumber: Percetakan 5 Warna. What is Pantone (pms)?A Color Matching System, or CMS, is a method used to ensure that colors remain as consistent as possible, regardless of the device/medium displaying the color. Keeping color from varying across mediums is very difficult because not only is color subjective to some extent, but also because devices use a wide range of technologies to display color.

Cara Print 1 Kertas Menjadi 4 Bagian Pc

There are many different color matching systems availlable today, but by far, the most popular in the printing industry is the Pantone Matching System, or PMS. PMS is a 'solid-color' matching system, used primarily for specifying second or third colors in printing, meaning colors in addition to black, (although, obviously, one can certainly print a one-color piece using a PMS color and no black all).Many printers keep an array of base Pantone inks in their shops, such as Warm Red, Rubine Red, Green, Yellow, Reflex Blue, and Violet. Most PMS colors have a 'recipe' that the printer follows to create the desired color. The base colors, along with black and white, are combined in certain proportions within the printer's shop to achieve other PMS colors. If it is very important to match a certain PMS color in your project, such as when a corporate logo color is used, you may want to suggest to the that printer purchase that particular color pre-mixed from the ink supplier.

This will help ensure a close match. Another possible reason to buy pre-mixed PMS colors is if you have a very long print run, since it can be difficult to mix large amounts of ink and keep the color consistent through several batches. Certain PMS colors have to be purchased because they cannot be mixed, such as the Pantone metallics and fluorescent inks.A common problem occurs when one tries to achieve the look of a PMS color while printing 4-color process (4CP). The only truly accurate way to use a PMS color in a 4CP project is to add the PMS as a fifth color to the job, which can become expensive. By definition, 4-color process uses only four inks: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Black, (also known as CMYK), and therefore cannot match a PMS color which, by its nature, is composed of PMS base inks. One compromise lies in Pantone's Process Color System, which attempts to simulate the PMS colors with CMYK inks. Once you have chosen your PMS color, you attempt to match it by choosing a similar 4CP color from Pantone's Process System Guide.

Another way of ensuring a match is to work backwards from a 4-color process piece. On the 4CP piece, pick a color you like, then pull out your PMS swatchbook and see what PMS color comes closest to the 4CP color you've chosen. Of course, this works only if you aren't locked into using a specific PMS col or, like some corporate identity's state.Author: Damien van Holtenhttp://www.printernational.org/business-card-design-tips.php. Business card design tipsThe most important element on business cards are text sizes. If your text is too small, clients might struggle to read information on the cards.

There should be a visual balance between the size and position of the address and the name and title.Text size guidelinesFor determining the sizes of your typography keep the following tips in mind. Font sizes are indicated in points.- Address and Phone contact elements should be 7 to 8 point- Name should be 1 point bigger or set in a bold typeface- The title could be the size point size as your address details or 1 point smaller- If needed the Company Name should have a minimum of 12 pointLike any other design you might make a business card will look messy and untidy if you would go with a different text sizes for everything. Try to go for a typographic consistent design. If the logo you are using has a tag line or payoff try working around that font size in your details.Text size minimumsThe address information should not be smaller then 6 points, or 5 point if you are setting in capitals. Anything below this will be hard to read. Add 1 point if you are setting your typography inverted (light typography on a dark background).Industry specific informationIt's common to see professionals - such as doctors, lawyers and architects - using smaller type sizes for contact information.TypographyWhile it's logical to look at the typeface suggested in the corporate identity (if available) those can be header-only fonts.

Cara Print Gambar Besar Menjadi Beberapa Bagian

Cara Print 1 Kertas Menjadi 4 Bagian

Be sure to work with a font on the business card that's designed for print.Some fonts tend to print smaller in the same point then others. The font Copperplate for example will look like 6 point while set in 7 point. Keep this in mind while testing your card (see the next chapter).TestingBe sure to print your business card a couple of times while designing it. Even take some effort to cut away the rest of the paper to see if the layout balances well.A business card surrounded by a lot of white space (e.a. Your printing paper) may seem different to the eye then the design cut out off actual size cards.Author: Damien van Holtenhttp://www.printernational.org/business-card-design-tips.php.

How does CMYK work?Because process color ink pigments are imperfect, pure black cannot be achieved by overprinting CMY inks. Consequently, black (K) ink is introduced in addition to, or in substitution for, CMY inks. The combined value of all CMYK inks for a particular area or object cannot exceed a specified amount, or ink may not transfer effectively and printed sheets may not dry properly.This specified amount, referred to as Total Area Coverage (TAC), typically is limited to 300% for offset lithography using coated paper. Compensation for TAC limitation is accomplished during the separation process, by which RGB color is converted to CMYK.CMY & CMYK CombinationThe image to the left shows the image when the primary CMY inks are combined.

Cara Print 1 Kertas Menjadi 4 Bagian

The image is lacking the shadow area details, and looks 'washed out'. To correct this the color Black is introduced to the imageIn the image to the right the Black (key) has been incorporated into this image, and it now is ready to go to press!Author: Damien van Holtenhttp://www.printernational.org/how-does-cmyk-work.php.

Cara Print 1 Kertas Menjadi 4 Bagian